b4 it starts~ i have to say~ O.O!
i abandoned here for quite some time~ XD
and suddenly recall tht i have a unfinished post to write~
So~~ here it is~
erm~ dunno how to say~ din quite had a good sleep for many nights~
stayed by the window~
onto the sky~
ah well~
moon was there~
i even stayed until sunrise~
watching the light came from the horizon~
watching the sun popped out~
dun tell anyone i din slept! shhh~
talk about horizon~
what did u saw from your window?
do we have the same horizon?
is it staying at a higher place means u can see more things? see farer?
well~ in the other hand~
as u stayed at the higher height~
can u still see things that lies below clearly?
there is barely people tht exist at a same horizon~
there is always people seeking for his/her other half that are at the same horizon~
and i supposed how many of them found their the other half?
sometimes~ there are people staying right beside u~
seeing same things as u are seeing~
but did they reached you lvl?
but did they saw the same horizon as u sees?
or did u see the same thing tht they saw?
i barely saw what people sees, even if i saw, most of the time i couldn't understand...
ugh~ pity pity~
i started to wonder izzit this gap causes me having less and less friends?
ugh~ i hv to stop this crap~
this post is super hard to understand... even me myself cant... @.@
ends here
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Black Hole~
ugh~ well~ i saw another one lately~
how did a black hole appear?
well~ according to science~ it came along with the end of a planet's life~
"BIG BANG"~~ then here comes the black hole~
pure emptyness~ sucking everything~ even light with such a high speed cannot escape from it it~ well~ after it sucks the light~ it will be only darkness left~ sigh~
ah well~ how did i saw it?? no no~
this black hole is not that black hole~
that black hole only stay quietly at a spot... and only sucks anything that reach it~
but this black hole i mentioned will walk~ it walk and sucks around~
*it sucks* =P
ugh~ maybe i ilustrated too weird rite?
here it goes
it means "big bang" lor~
you know~ "big bang" ar~
you dun remember "big bang" meh?
when something happened to you~ too harsh to accept~ spoils you from the inside out~
crushed your heart, your soul, your body, your everything~
thats what i mean "Big Bang"~
Black Hole
Well~ black hole i mean here is a stage naturally a person will go through~
after u get hurt~ you will try as hard as u could to find a cure~ or runaway from it~
while deep inside you know~ there is no cure~ its only "time" can heal your wound~
at this stage~ u hunger~ hunger for anything to everything~ friends, food, entertainment~
while you dont really nid them~
u walk~ like a corpse~
u lives~ as you were dead~
u suck~ as you are a black hole~
you trying to get everything you could~ for you fear to loose anymore of them~
while the fact is~ you loosing more and more of them while you tried to hold them too hard~
The birth of a planet
well~ as the black hole suck and suck~ finally one day~ it will form a whole new planet~
but... but... what it formed is from what it sucked... you can form a lovely planet like earth~
or a red hot chilli mars~
well~ i'd like to say~ everything is gonna be alrite~
even after a planet dies~ it still reborn~
the only thing tht matters is time~
oh~ ok~ why do i say i saw another black hole lately?
because i saw my self from him~ =D
i just realized how stupid am i, when i sees him do the exact same thing as i did...
gosh... god pls forgive my stupidness and brainwash those poor victims~
well~ i wonder if he's still walking and sucks as he was~ dun care~
even i'm still sucking...(yeah i sucks)
well~ but i manage to run away~
you know lor~ planet reborn wor... so important~ incase i sucked the wrong thing~ i'll become ugly~ T_T so i ran away~ at least to not suck on you~ which may hurt you...
al rite~ ends here~
oh my~ i finally wrote something "big bang" =S
how did a black hole appear?
well~ according to science~ it came along with the end of a planet's life~
"BIG BANG"~~ then here comes the black hole~
pure emptyness~ sucking everything~ even light with such a high speed cannot escape from it it~ well~ after it sucks the light~ it will be only darkness left~ sigh~
ah well~ how did i saw it?? no no~
this black hole is not that black hole~
that black hole only stay quietly at a spot... and only sucks anything that reach it~
but this black hole i mentioned will walk~ it walk and sucks around~
*it sucks* =P
ugh~ maybe i ilustrated too weird rite?
here it goes
it means "big bang" lor~
you know~ "big bang" ar~
you dun remember "big bang" meh?
when something happened to you~ too harsh to accept~ spoils you from the inside out~
crushed your heart, your soul, your body, your everything~
thats what i mean "Big Bang"~
Black Hole
Well~ black hole i mean here is a stage naturally a person will go through~
after u get hurt~ you will try as hard as u could to find a cure~ or runaway from it~
while deep inside you know~ there is no cure~ its only "time" can heal your wound~
at this stage~ u hunger~ hunger for anything to everything~ friends, food, entertainment~
while you dont really nid them~
u walk~ like a corpse~
u lives~ as you were dead~
u suck~ as you are a black hole~
you trying to get everything you could~ for you fear to loose anymore of them~
while the fact is~ you loosing more and more of them while you tried to hold them too hard~
The birth of a planet
well~ as the black hole suck and suck~ finally one day~ it will form a whole new planet~
but... but... what it formed is from what it sucked... you can form a lovely planet like earth~
or a red hot chilli mars~
well~ i'd like to say~ everything is gonna be alrite~
even after a planet dies~ it still reborn~
the only thing tht matters is time~
oh~ ok~ why do i say i saw another black hole lately?
because i saw my self from him~ =D
i just realized how stupid am i, when i sees him do the exact same thing as i did...
gosh... god pls forgive my stupidness and brainwash those poor victims~
well~ i wonder if he's still walking and sucks as he was~ dun care~
even i'm still sucking...(yeah i sucks)
well~ but i manage to run away~
you know lor~ planet reborn wor... so important~ incase i sucked the wrong thing~ i'll become ugly~ T_T so i ran away~ at least to not suck on you~ which may hurt you...
al rite~ ends here~
oh my~ i finally wrote something "big bang" =S
Do u like the wrapper or the present inside??
well~ an old question rite?
i had been thinking of it since i get my BD present~
it's a cup~ rat says it's for me to drink coffee~
ah well~ the cup size is a little small tho~ =P
haven thank u guys for it~
ty my classmates~
i found tht~ dunno why~ i carefully tear out the sticker and didn't harm the wrapper at all~
*cheers* x_x"
suddenly the stupid question popped into mind~
do u like the wrapper only? do u like the present inside too??
ah well~ of course many of the experience males would answer~
"Of course the love the present inside more~ not just the wrapper~"
yah~ i was one of those who will answer like that~
but now i asked my self again~ i found different answer~
i treasure both the wrapper and the present~
coz~ a present doesn't looks like one without the wrapper~
well~ it's pity for the wrapper where everytime people gets presents~ they will just tear off the wrapper~ where that is the main purpose of the wrapper~ to sacrifice in order to add in the mysterious part of the present. After the "opening ceremony" the wrapper will not be the wrapper anymore~ just a piece of junk left by people~
ugh... i also dunno why am i pitying on the wrapper~ i think over emo lately huh?
ah well~ another thing i like about the wrapper is~ u can see how much the person who wrap it up treasures u~ (oh ok~ maybe the supermarket girl wrapped it)
well~ ends here~
hope u guys start to treasure the "wrapper" too~ not just the "present"~
u guys guess wht is "wrapper" and wht is "present" la har~
i had been thinking of it since i get my BD present~
it's a cup~ rat says it's for me to drink coffee~
ah well~ the cup size is a little small tho~ =P
haven thank u guys for it~
ty my classmates~
i found tht~ dunno why~ i carefully tear out the sticker and didn't harm the wrapper at all~
*cheers* x_x"
suddenly the stupid question popped into mind~
do u like the wrapper only? do u like the present inside too??
ah well~ of course many of the experience males would answer~
"Of course the love the present inside more~ not just the wrapper~"
yah~ i was one of those who will answer like that~
but now i asked my self again~ i found different answer~
i treasure both the wrapper and the present~
coz~ a present doesn't looks like one without the wrapper~
well~ it's pity for the wrapper where everytime people gets presents~ they will just tear off the wrapper~ where that is the main purpose of the wrapper~ to sacrifice in order to add in the mysterious part of the present. After the "opening ceremony" the wrapper will not be the wrapper anymore~ just a piece of junk left by people~
ugh... i also dunno why am i pitying on the wrapper~ i think over emo lately huh?
ah well~ another thing i like about the wrapper is~ u can see how much the person who wrap it up treasures u~ (oh ok~ maybe the supermarket girl wrapped it)
well~ ends here~
hope u guys start to treasure the "wrapper" too~ not just the "present"~
u guys guess wht is "wrapper" and wht is "present" la har~
Post Post Post...
Oh~ gosh~ OMG~ last test today~ just finish it~ XD
came to post something~ XD
ok~ ends here~~
>.< (really post something oni)
came to post something~ XD
ok~ ends here~~
>.< (really post something oni)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
都说处女座 另类,双重性格,甚至有点神经质,其实原因只有一个,处女座的一切都要随自己外显的性格而转,姑且称之为'状态'。处女座状态好的时候,可以将自己聪明、 细腻、能干、温情、幽默、有内涵等优良品质完全外展,此时他们显得如此完美,光芒四射,并且可以表现得非常外向、健谈,容易与人打成一片(这本非他们的性 格)。而一旦处女座状态不好,便会变成另一个人,甚至非常窝囊,一事无成,不过通常此时他们都躲避外在的干扰,所以让人感觉有点间歇性自闭症)因为同为水 星守护,所以处女和双子一样善变,但双子善变的是心思,处女善变的却是情绪。
他 们想的是:与其很不自然地面对你,尴尬地和你说些无关痛痒地话,或是因和平时反差太大而被人说成表里不一,性格怪异,还不如先躲一阵子,等调节好了以后再 出来。所以,在与人交往中,他们只会和不得不交流的人(实在躲不掉)或是完全陌生的人(反正无所谓)交谈,而和熟悉的朋友反而疏远。
而 且,大家都知道处女座的人有严重的完美主义倾向,所以就有了所谓的\\'处女座的人最喜欢若即若离\\'。原因很简单:他只想给你一个最好最完美的自己, 而不愿让你看到他无助脆弱的一面。所以请记住,有时处女座对你冷,绝不是你说错做错什么,这是他们正常的生理现象,他们只是不想让严寒和冰霜伤害了你(可 事实上这种做法已经伤害)。不必难过,因为他们在乎你的话,他们的内心比你还要难过、自责和内疚!他们所能做的,只希望快点调整好情绪,回到你的身边。
关 于'花心'一般说来处女座绝不花心,忠诚是他们的代名词。异性关系多很可能是他们需要确定一个好人缘和自己有魅力,来反击那些普遍观点。一旦找到心中真 爱,他会呵护你一辈子,只要你能给他安全感,他永不背叛,心中眼中唯你一人。寻花问柳,红杏出墙这些事与他们绝缘(一是责任感所致,二是怕麻烦)。
关 于'聪明'不似双子灵活机巧,不象水瓶创意非凡,也不是天蝎的那种计画周密,处女座更多体现的是智慧。细腻、理性、好学加上十二星座里一流的洞察力和最强 的逻辑思维能力,处女座想不聪明都难。没事少在处女座面前信口开河,随意撒谎,很多伪纱他们一眼便能看透;也别跟他们玩什么心计,你玩不过他们的。处女是 那种可以把你卖了你还得向他道谢的类型。没事也少跟处女座辩论,他们没理也可找出理,甚至找出不止一条理来。处女是永远不会吃亏的。
关 于'逃避'由于处女座性格上的因素,他们通常会显得压力很大。当周遭的事物已无法掌控,或是自己的情绪无法调节好时,他们会疯狂地逃避,堕落自己,这种状 况通常对别人无害,却是伤害自己,让所有爱他们的人感到心碎。不过不用太担心,过一阵子他们自己会好的,他们天性的自我批判精神很快便会起作用。处女座一 般不会彻底堕落,堕落前可能都已留有余地,只是在等待着希望的来临。甚至有时堕落都是做给别人看的。
他 们想的是:与其很不自然地面对你,尴尬地和你说些无关痛痒地话,或是因和平时反差太大而被人说成表里不一,性格怪异,还不如先躲一阵子,等调节好了以后再 出来。所以,在与人交往中,他们只会和不得不交流的人(实在躲不掉)或是完全陌生的人(反正无所谓)交谈,而和熟悉的朋友反而疏远。
而 且,大家都知道处女座的人有严重的完美主义倾向,所以就有了所谓的\\'处女座的人最喜欢若即若离\\'。原因很简单:他只想给你一个最好最完美的自己, 而不愿让你看到他无助脆弱的一面。所以请记住,有时处女座对你冷,绝不是你说错做错什么,这是他们正常的生理现象,他们只是不想让严寒和冰霜伤害了你(可 事实上这种做法已经伤害)。不必难过,因为他们在乎你的话,他们的内心比你还要难过、自责和内疚!他们所能做的,只希望快点调整好情绪,回到你的身边。
关 于'花心'一般说来处女座绝不花心,忠诚是他们的代名词。异性关系多很可能是他们需要确定一个好人缘和自己有魅力,来反击那些普遍观点。一旦找到心中真 爱,他会呵护你一辈子,只要你能给他安全感,他永不背叛,心中眼中唯你一人。寻花问柳,红杏出墙这些事与他们绝缘(一是责任感所致,二是怕麻烦)。
关 于'聪明'不似双子灵活机巧,不象水瓶创意非凡,也不是天蝎的那种计画周密,处女座更多体现的是智慧。细腻、理性、好学加上十二星座里一流的洞察力和最强 的逻辑思维能力,处女座想不聪明都难。没事少在处女座面前信口开河,随意撒谎,很多伪纱他们一眼便能看透;也别跟他们玩什么心计,你玩不过他们的。处女是 那种可以把你卖了你还得向他道谢的类型。没事也少跟处女座辩论,他们没理也可找出理,甚至找出不止一条理来。处女是永远不会吃亏的。
关 于'逃避'由于处女座性格上的因素,他们通常会显得压力很大。当周遭的事物已无法掌控,或是自己的情绪无法调节好时,他们会疯狂地逃避,堕落自己,这种状 况通常对别人无害,却是伤害自己,让所有爱他们的人感到心碎。不过不用太担心,过一阵子他们自己会好的,他们天性的自我批判精神很快便会起作用。处女座一 般不会彻底堕落,堕落前可能都已留有余地,只是在等待着希望的来临。甚至有时堕落都是做给别人看的。
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
count down 12 hours
ah well~ around 12 hours ok?
den i'm one year older~
funny~ i just read something... tht describes me 100% correct~
and the most funny part was~ it sent from someone i dislike~
if i were u, i'd say :"(=.=)...".
ah well~ something like personality describtion mail~
it says virgo is like...ah well... too long lazy describe my self~
leave comment i try send~
reading some management notes~ yea well~ tomolo exam mar~
to those who came often~ please note~ i dun like celebration~ i dun mind celebrate for others~ but not me~ so~ keep your money~ hold your breath~ save them to warm ur tummy~ make your GF/BF happy~ etc etc~ dun waste them on me~ not much effect on me~
den i'm one year older~
funny~ i just read something... tht describes me 100% correct~
and the most funny part was~ it sent from someone i dislike~
if i were u, i'd say :"(=.=)...".
ah well~ something like personality describtion mail~
it says virgo is like...ah well... too long lazy describe my self~
leave comment i try send~
reading some management notes~ yea well~ tomolo exam mar~
to those who came often~ please note~ i dun like celebration~ i dun mind celebrate for others~ but not me~ so~ keep your money~ hold your breath~ save them to warm ur tummy~ make your GF/BF happy~ etc etc~ dun waste them on me~ not much effect on me~
Monday, September 8, 2008
Privacy a.k.a freedom~
haha~ i just found out this little topic in my head~ kinda interesting~
i watched my friend~ getting into a relationship~ broke up~ getting another relation~ den broke up again~ den again and again~
just knocked my head~ realized he get into these mess because he didn't gave his the other half the privacy and freedom she should have~
yea~ 1st time heard? guy demanding too much from the gal~ demand in terms of getting jealous for her talking/outing/joking/playing(maybe flirting??) to her best male buddy~ and the gal finally can't stand it and made the call~
well~ i found this funny~ real funny~
there is girls that complaining tht his guy nvr put enuf attention on her, while this case the gal complained her guy sticking to her too much, controlism? hoho~ i oso dunno got this word anot~
hmm~ wonder why he din met wif those girl who needs him 24 hour, 7 days per week and 365 days per year? bad luck huh?
ah~ well~ maybe after he met with one of those~ he might understand what his ex felt~ controlism~ (lmao)
yea~ what i think of~ being the other half of you, meaning shud be someone more important than normal ppl in ur heart. (this is wht she taught me~ =D) and shud have a share of your important time and moment in life, but~ i say but! shud remain some privacy & freedom~ =D
like having friends, good friends buddy~ etc etc~ yah~ i mean either male or female~
ah well~ u wont want ur wallet, handphone, computer, or MSN being secretly checked rite?
that hurts somehow~
hope those couples who faced these type of problems read a while~ shud can get some solutions from here rite? =D
haha~ felt like i have more to say~ but stucked~
ends here~
last time i was like, dunno why~ purposely evaded most of my female friends~ @.@?
i oso dunno why~ maybe.... yah maybe... u know~
ah well~ i tried to get along with females~ but i think i failed~ yea~ i failed~
ugh ah~ forget to mention~ last time there was a girl~ layed her head on my shoulder~ dunno why she did tht~ but i immediately responded and asked her in a serious tone (i think i did...)
"WHAT U DOIN?", ah well~ i scared away her head~
in deep i think i enjoyed tht little moment~
but responded tht way because i hate being touched by people~ male or female~
i recall i trained my self quite some time to let my ex touch me~ (ah~ in terms of hugging etc~)
juz kinda sensitive~ like itchy~ geli or whatever~
sigh~ i think i shouldn't enjoy it~ since i din feel anything from her~ missunderstood brings fatality... =.="
well~ responded tht way might be a good way tho~ =D
OMG my "PS" too long edy~
really ends here~
i watched my friend~ getting into a relationship~ broke up~ getting another relation~ den broke up again~ den again and again~
just knocked my head~ realized he get into these mess because he didn't gave his the other half the privacy and freedom she should have~
yea~ 1st time heard? guy demanding too much from the gal~ demand in terms of getting jealous for her talking/outing/joking/playing(maybe flirting??) to her best male buddy~ and the gal finally can't stand it and made the call~
well~ i found this funny~ real funny~
there is girls that complaining tht his guy nvr put enuf attention on her, while this case the gal complained her guy sticking to her too much, controlism? hoho~ i oso dunno got this word anot~
hmm~ wonder why he din met wif those girl who needs him 24 hour, 7 days per week and 365 days per year? bad luck huh?
ah~ well~ maybe after he met with one of those~ he might understand what his ex felt~ controlism~ (lmao)
yea~ what i think of~ being the other half of you, meaning shud be someone more important than normal ppl in ur heart. (this is wht she taught me~ =D) and shud have a share of your important time and moment in life, but~ i say but! shud remain some privacy & freedom~ =D
like having friends, good friends buddy~ etc etc~ yah~ i mean either male or female~
ah well~ u wont want ur wallet, handphone, computer, or MSN being secretly checked rite?
that hurts somehow~
hope those couples who faced these type of problems read a while~ shud can get some solutions from here rite? =D
haha~ felt like i have more to say~ but stucked~
ends here~
last time i was like, dunno why~ purposely evaded most of my female friends~ @.@?
i oso dunno why~ maybe.... yah maybe... u know~
ah well~ i tried to get along with females~ but i think i failed~ yea~ i failed~
ugh ah~ forget to mention~ last time there was a girl~ layed her head on my shoulder~ dunno why she did tht~ but i immediately responded and asked her in a serious tone (i think i did...)
"WHAT U DOIN?", ah well~ i scared away her head~
in deep i think i enjoyed tht little moment~
but responded tht way because i hate being touched by people~ male or female~
i recall i trained my self quite some time to let my ex touch me~ (ah~ in terms of hugging etc~)
juz kinda sensitive~ like itchy~ geli or whatever~
sigh~ i think i shouldn't enjoy it~ since i din feel anything from her~ missunderstood brings fatality... =.="
well~ responded tht way might be a good way tho~ =D
OMG my "PS" too long edy~
really ends here~
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